TestLinks: a small command-line tool

TestLinks is a command-line tool for finding and reporting dead links in a file. In this project, I use JavaScript to complete all of the functions.


What it will do


The tool is used to find and test the status of urls which start with http:// or https:// in a file.

The green output and "good" mean the url which you test is safe and the status code is 200.

The red output and "bad" mean the url which you test is not safe and the status code is 400 or 404.

The gray output and "unknow" mean the statuses out of the above condition. 

Test example:

                                                              Test version:

                                                                 Test links:


How to use it


    --- This command can get the help information which tell you how to use it. 

testLinks v/version  

    --- This command can check the version and the name about the command-line tool.

testLinks filename

   --- This command can test the statuses of the links.  You need replace “filename” with your test file. You can test more than one file only if you separate your files with the space. 


Detail info

You can find the detail information in my github repo.


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