Hacktoberfest pull request 1

I will try to practice how to use pull request to fix issues within open source programs in release0.2 of OSD600 course. This month I am planning to pull 4 requests step by step from easy to difficult. I hope to improve my ability to fix issues of open source programs through this practice. 

First of all, I try to search for some issues in GitHub. I select a simple issue for my first pull request. When I search for "add .editorconfig", There are a lot of issues about it. I can clarify them by programming languages.

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Obviously, I need to understand what is editorconfig when I choose this subject. EditorConfig helps maintain consistent coding styles for multiple developers working on the same project across various editors and IDEs. I think most of programs should include this file. In this way, it can keep you code readable even if other developers pull requests to promote your code. 

After searching I choose an active project named dpkp/kafka-python which has an issue #2125 needed to be fixed about .editorconfig. Then I fork this repo and clone this repo to my local host. Through studying code style of the author, I create a new .editorconfig file for this project. It can ask developers to keep the  same format when they contribute to the same project across various editors and IDEs. 

At last, I push the new .editorconfig file to my forked repos. Then I pull a request to the author's repos through comparing the difference betrween the two repos.

For the first pull request work, I think that the hardest part is how to find a suitable issue to deal with. It is a time-consuming work to searching for issues and we need pay enough patient.


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