Publish project in Lab 9

This week we start to practice how to release your project into public. In this way, the users don't need to clone and build your project to run it locally. They can install it globally and use it easily.

In this lab, I utilize my link checker project to practice to release it. Because my project was written by Node.js, so I choose npm platform to create my release. 

First of all, I read the npm documents and check my project files step by step. I make sure the package.json file includes everything required such as name, version, dependencies, scripts, author and so on. After modifying all the things, I push these changes into my GitHub.

Second, I create an account in npm website. It is a necessary step if you want to publish your project into npm platform. Then, I use the command "npm login" to login the npm platform. After that, I use the command "npm push" to release my project. In the first release operation, there is a 403 error which shows "You do not have permission to publish "link-checker". Are you logged in as the correct user?". After searching for it in google, I find that the project name may be duplicated with other project. So, I change my project name to "link-checker-lixiaoqi". Then it works successfully.

Release Project

After publishing, I can see my release package int the npm platform.

Third, I contact my friend to test my package globally in another computer. After visiting my package in npm platform, she install the package using the command "npm install link-checker-lixiaoqi -g". Then it works well.

Install globally

OSD600 is an amazing course for the students. In this course, I not only learn how to create a project 
in GitHub, how to format and test the code, contribute to an open source project, use git command to maintain and back up our project,  I also learn how to publish the package to the platform so that other users can use it easily. All of that is what open source project means. I hope that more and more developer can contribute their strength into the open source project.


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